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DO, 26.1.23, 14:15 ONLINE im KW-Kolloquium: Is singing good for you? Dr. Dawn Merrett (Université de Montréal)


Meeting-ID: 699 6502 4181
Kenncode: ptJJW536M

Titel: Is singing good for you?

Abstract: There is now considerable evidence that becoming a musician changes brain structure and function, and even short-termmusic participation can have an impact on the brain. Although singers have been included in some studies of music-training and neuroplasticity, little is known about the specific effects of singing on the brain. The available evidence regarding the behavioural implications of singing are mixed, but suggest that singing, particularly as part of a group, can induce changes in mood, cognitive function, physiology, hormones, and perhaps even immunological function. Dr.Merrett will discuss her previous and ongoing work investigating the impact of singing on the brain and on health and well-being, along with the potential clinical implications of this line of research.